AURA GLOBAL x PET HOLIDAYS Pet Immigration to the UK

Pet immigration can actually be so simple-UK article|Live Webcast] 

The whole city is talking about BNO immigration, using LOTR to enter the country. Is it really so easy? Immigration expert Margaret will explain to you the 3 major fallacies of BNO immigration, the method of finding a job in the UK, and share the fastest way to obtain permanent residence innovator visa to immigrate to the UK. This time, we sincerely invite Fanny, a pet immigrant expert, to share with you how to immigrate to the UK with the owner and to answer everyone’s pet immigration questions on the spot: Can pets take civil aviation? Can all pets fly? Is there any age limit for flying? are sick pets not allowed on the plane?

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九龍九龍灣常悅道13號瑞興中心203 B室
Room203B, Shui Hing Centre, 13 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay

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